Tariff conflict at Hu Berlin impairs advice for foreign students

According to the BAS available information, the escalating conflict of the university management of the Humboldt University Berlin with the written student body as well as the student employees now affected the foreign students. Since the university management does not want to pay the students appropriately, no job extensions or Vacancies more allowed, so that the student body can currently not ensure the place of advice of foreign students.

"Especially at the beginning of the semester, the need for advice from foreign students is particularly high", says Maimouna Ouattara, spokeswoman for the Federal Association of Foreign students. It is highly important and commendable that the student body also offers advice independent of the university administration. The university must ensure that the provision of advice is maintained to the extent required. "It goes without saying that good work has to be remunerated at least on a tariff. For us, it is incomprehensible why Humboldt University does not want or cannot pay student employees according to tariff, when this also happens at other universities by default according to TV-L without the system collapsing." The Federal Association of Foreign Students is in favour of good pay for the important work and calls on Humboldt University to ensure that the position can be filled again competently as soon as possible.

Foreign students without leaving adequate counselling alone contradict the requirements of the universities as well as the student unions for a necessary orientation.