bundesweiter Protest - Echte Hilfe für Studierende jetzt!

BAS Call: “Real help for students – now! – Protest days on 8.6. and 20.6.

For weeks, now months, (international) students have been waiting in vain for support in the current crisis. Many have no more money, get no more support from families who are themselves in a crisis. International students can no longer pay their rent and have to save on many things. Since the refectories have closed, there is no cheap food.

Many international students are on the verge of dropping out! Without local initiatives or associations, almost nothing works anymore. Many support funds from universities or institutions have long been exhausted. Foreign students now clearly notice: they are not welcome specialists, but #notwelcomeinGermany and left alone by the federal government in the crisis.

Getting into debt via a supposedly interest-free loan, as the federal government wants, is not an alternative. Many foreign students have already had to get into debt. Even the “emergency aid” of up to three times 500 euros under conditions far removed from reality seems very half-hearted in view of the existing hardship.

A broad alliance of student associations and student bodies, including the Federal Association of Foreign Students, is calling for nationwide protest against the so-called “bridging aid” provided by Federal Minister of Education Karliczek and for genuine emergency aid for students.

The Federal Association of International Students (BAS) calls on all international students to take part in the decentralised protest rallies on 8 June and the central protest rally on 20 June 2020.
Show the Federal Government, show the Federal Ministry of Education and Research that real and immediate help for students is necessary!

Ask your student body (AStA, StuRa, StuVe, …) about the regional actions on June 8th and come to the demonstration on June 20th to Berlin.
More information also under: https://solidarsemester.de/kundgebungen-am-08-juni/